If you really dislike the yarns and know you won’t use them then give them away to a charity store. Keeping them will only stress you out. There maybe someone out there that will love them and give them a good home at a price they can afford. At the end of the day the money you paid for them is accounted for and a charity will benefit too

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My local public library has a Maker Space that includes a yarn library. They happily accept my donations of leftover or unwanted yarn.

Another possibility is to donate the yarn to a creative re-use center. Your ugly yarn may be the perfect material for someone else's art project!

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There is no credit in making yourself use yarns you dislike. It’s an aesthetic not a moral decision to use only what you find pleasing. This is your art, your treasured pastime. It deserves better.

You might ponder how those yarns found their way into your stash. Working that one out might prevent more of these dilemmas. It’s fine to let them go because someone else may love them even if you don’t.

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I love the colors of your shawl!

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Thank you for sharing!!

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